Starting Monday, the bridge right by our house is going to be closed. Construction will begin to take out the lights, and insert the roundabout (they sure love these here in Wisconsin). I'm still quite leery how the roundabout is going to better this particular intersection as it's one of the more heavily trafficked with people coming on and off the highway, the frontage road with Target, Starbucks, Applebee's, Red Robin, etc.... I mean I envision roundabout backup/collisions! But I am not a city planner or expert, so I will endure the construction and mess and wait and see what comes of it.
All of this made me think of how God works in my life. Sometimes it
seems like God is undergoing some "construction" in my life. And when it begins and I become quite leery of how it's really going to benefit me. I envision all the problems or pains this "construction" is bringing to my life and how it will never end (as it seems like most construction projects never do).

But as I said above, I am not the expert --- God is. And God knows me better than I know myself. So if God is the expert and has my best interest in mind, then I can trust that whatever "construction" he wants to do in me is for my good and therefore I can endure it.